Happy August darlings! Today I am sharing with you how I prep and organized our homeschool materials for the new school year! My biggest advice if you are deciding to start homeschooling this year is to keep things simple! Homeschool is not meant to match the methods and schedules of traditional schools. Remember children are always learning whether it’s while helping in the kitchen or outside in the garden. This isn’t a race, and your child won’t be left behind. If you are interested in homeschooling your child(ren) I wrote an entire post on how to get started.
Homeschool curriculums I’m using this year:
- – Blossom & Root Third Grade Bundle (Covers language arts, art, science, geography & nature study)
- Blossom & Root River of Voices (American history)
- Blossom & Root Level 5 Art
- Brave Writer Arrow & Building Confidence (Level 6 Language Arts)
- Singapore (Dimensions) Math 3A/3B & 5B/6A
- Thistles & Biscuits Kenya & Madagascar Unit Studies
- Thistles & Biscuits Woven Harmonies (Music)
Happy homeschooling!